Monday, April 18, 2011

Poems on Raindrops

We wrote cinquain poems during our bee unit (post coming soon) and the kids loved it. So we did another one about Spring last week and wrote them on raindrops. Here is a picture of some of the poems in the hallway and a close up of one. There are some good examples of cinquain poems online that we used when introducing them. We created one as a class as an example and also reviewed nouns, adjectives, and verbs.


  1. The pics look adorable! They look really good in the hallway. I also like your new layout - I know what someone has been doing over her spring break! I have been downloading some ideas for when we get back. Hopefully our enthusiasm for the hallways and creative bloggy activities catches on in our school.

  2. And just for your nice comment, I am willing to give you a freebie of our raindrop poem template haha. Yes, I have spent a majority of my Spring Break on here. We need to show everything we've found when we get back to school!
